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HTML: CSS PROGRAMMING FOUNDATIONS (Bonus Content Included): Build Your First Web Page with HTML and

While the kind of content, design and dynamism that we see on the web has changed dramatically over the past few decades, HTML has remained the fundamental framework that powers web design. Even dynamic websites generated by more advanced scripting languages such as Javascript or PHP rely at least in part on HTML. This is why learning to code in HTML continues to be essential for web developers.

HTML: CSS PROGRAMMING FOUNDATIONS (Bonus Content Included): Learn to code and design your FIRST we

The JJC Web Design program provides students with the foundations of web page creation, programming, and management involved in creating websites. Students learn state-of-the-art programming languages to create interactive websites with dynamic content.

Students in our program learn how to create exceptional web content and design programming skills that set them above and apart in the competitive web design market. The immense growth of the digital world has created a need and opportunity for web design majors.

While coding can be applied in everything from design jobs to cybersecurity, it has its roots in building web pages and web development, and the biggest and broadest application of learning HTML and CSS is to learn to code for the web. HTML and CSS are the building blocks of any webpage, with HTML being the foundations and CSS being the decoration.

The first line res.writeHead(200); sets the HTTP status code of the response. HTTP status codes indicate how well an HTTP request was handled by the server. In this case, the status code 200 corresponds to "OK". If you are interested in learning about the various HTTP codes that your web servers can return with the meaning they signify, our guide on How To Troubleshoot Common HTTP Error Codes is a good place to start.

These accelerated, intensive programs are offered by universities, colleges, and independent companies designed to prepare you for a job. This streamlined option may take weeks or months to complete, however it can help you advance toward your goals of learning how to code.

If you choose to pursue a degree in computer science or a related field, part of your studies will include learning multiple programming languages. Pursue one of these majors to learn other skills that could be useful for pursuing a career in front-end development. These skills include website design principles, testing and debugging websites, and creating websites and pages that optimize the user experience.

Sometimes there might be a group of elements that you want to stylize in a certain way. For example, let's say you're creating an entertainment web page that includes several movie reviews, in addition to other content. The entire content of each review (a heading with the movie title, plus several paragraphs) is wrapped in a in order to keep it all together in one box. The first paragraph of each review is a short summary describing the movie, then all remaining paragraphs contain the content of your critique of the movie. You may want to stylize the elements that contain each review differently than other elements on the page, so reviews all have a distinct look, but consistent with one another. You could accomplish this by assigning class="review" to each of these reviews. Also, you might want the summary paragraph to have a distinctive look, different from all other paragraphs. You could accomplish this by assigning class="summary" to each summary paragraph. Your code might look something like this:

The best online coding courses can be one of the best ways to learn to code. They're convenient, flexible, making them a great way to master in-demand skills if have other commitments that you need to work around. Whether you plan to develop a career in programming or web design or just want to have a basic knowledge to add an extra string in your bow, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Now, the first thing that you need to do - before you even think about enrolling in courses or starting to watch YouTube videos about coding - is to ask yourself why you want to learn to code.

HTML is very simple, and the best way to learn it is arguably to first familiarise yourself with the main components of the language through something like the Introduction to HTML course and then to get out there and practice how to write a code for beginners.

For responsive web design, we are typically querying the features of the device in order to provide a different layout for smaller screens, or when we detect that our visitor is using a touchscreen.Media queries based on viewport size #Media queries enable us to create a responsive experience where specific styles are applied to small screens, large screens, and anywhere in between. The feature we are detecting here is therefore screen size, and we can test for the following things.width (min-width, max-width)height (min-height, max-height)orientationaspect-ratioAll of these features have excellent browser support, for more details including browser support information see width, height, orientation, and aspect-ratio on MDN.The specification did include tests for device-width and device-height. These have been deprecated and should be avoided. device-width and device-height tested for the actual size of the device window which was not useful in practice because this may be different from the viewport the user is looking at, for example if they have resized the browser window.Media queries based on device capability #Given the range of devices available, we cannot make the assumption that every large device is a regular desktop or laptop computer, or that people are only using a touchscreen on a small device. With some newer additions to the media queries specification we can test for features such as the type of pointer used to interact with the device and whether the user can hover over elements.hoverpointerany-hoverany-pointerTry viewing this demo on different devices, such as a regular desktop computer and a phone or tablet.These newer features have good support in all modern browsers. Find out more on the MDN pages for hover, any-hover, pointer, any-pointer.Using any-hover and any-pointer #The features any-hover and any-pointer test if the user has the capability to hover, or use that type of pointer even if it is not the primary way they are interacting with their device. Be very careful when using these. Forcing a user to switch to a mouse when they are using their touchscreen is not very friendly! However, any-hover and any-pointer may be useful if it is important to work out what kind of device a user has. For example, a laptop with a touchscreen and trackpad should match coarse and fine pointers, in addition to the ability to hover.How to choose breakpoints #Don't define breakpoints based on device classes. Defining breakpoints based on specific devices, products, brand names, or operating systems that are in use today can result in a maintenance nightmare. Instead, the content itself should determine how the layout adjusts to its container.Pick major breakpoints by starting small, then working up #Design the content to fit on a small screen size first, then expand the screen until a breakpoint becomes necessary. This allows you to optimize breakpoints based on content and maintain the least number of breakpoints possible.Let's work through the example we saw at the beginning: the weather forecast. The first step is to make the forecast look good on a small screen.The app at a narrow width.Next, resize the browser until there is too much white space between the elements, and the forecast simply doesn't look as good. The decision is somewhat subjective, but above 600px is certainly too wide.The app at a point where we feel we should tweak the design.To insert a breakpoint at 600px, create two media queries at the end of your CSS for the component, one to use when the browser is 600px and below, and one for when it is wider than 600px. 2ff7e9595c

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